- #701 Replaced platform NetCoreApp3.0 with NetCoreApp3.1 and added Net5.0 (#701) (@snakefoot)
- #683 Dropped support for ASP.NET Core 1 and NetStandard1.5 + Net452 (#683) (@304NotModified)
- #691 Enabled ShutdownOnDispose by default to follow lifetime of the ServiceProvider (#691) (@snakefoot)
- #700 Added W3CExtendedLogLayout for writing W3C Extended Logs (#700) (@snakefoot)
- #697 Replaced SingleAsArray with OutputFormat = JsonArray + JsonDictionary (#697) (@snakefoot)
- #701 Added platform Net46 (#701) (@snakefoot)
- #700 Added W3CExtendedLogLayout for writing W3C Extended Logs (#700) (@snakefoot)
- #697 Replaced SingleAsArray with OutputFormat = JsonArray + JsonDictionary (#697) (@snakefoot)