github NLnetLabs/routinator v0.8.0
0.8.0 ‘Strikes and Gutters, Ups and Downs’

latest releases: v0.14.0, v0.14.0-rc3, v0.14.0-rc2...
3 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Validation now follows the rules suggested by draft-ietf-sidrops-6486bis: Any invalid object mentioned on the manifest will lead to the issuing CA and all its objects being rejected. However, unlike suggested by the draft, Routinator currently will not fall back to cached older versions of the CA’s objects that may still be valid. In addition, unknown RPKI object types are currently accepted with a warning logged. This behaviour can be changed via the unknown-types policy option. (#371, #401)
  • Similarly, CRL handling has been tightened significantly. Each CA must now have exactly one CRL which must be the one stated in the manifest’s EE certificate. Any violation will lead to the whole CA being rejected with the same consequences as above. (#397)
  • The default for dealing with stale objects has been changed to reject in accordance with the same draft. (#387)
  • Parsing of local exception files is now more strict in accordance with RFC 8416. Any additional member in the JSON objects will lead to an error. However, error reporting has been greatly improved and now the line and column of an error will be indicated. (#372)
  • The alias --allow-dubios-hosts for the correctly spelled option has been removed. (#384)
  • The minimal supported Rust version is now 1.42.0.


  • All VRPs overlapping with resources from rejected CAs – dubbed ‘unsafe VRPs’ can filtered via the new unsafe-vrps option. Doing so will avoid situations were routes become RPKI invalid if their VRPs are split over multiple CAs or there are less specific ROAs. By default, unsafe VRPs are only warned about. (#377, #400)
  • New metrics for the VRPs produced and filtered on the various TALs. (#377)
  • The logging output of the latest validation run is now available via the HTTP service’s /log endpoint. (#396)
  • TCP keep-alive is now supported and enabled by default on RTR connections as suggested by RFC 8210. It can be disabled and its idle time changed from the default 60 seconds via the new rtr-tcp-keepalive command line and config file option. (#390)
  • The pid-file, working-dir, chroot, user, and group config file and server command options now also work without the --detach command line option. (#392)
  • The init command will now change ownership of the cache directory if the user and group options are set via config file or command line options. (#392)
  • Irrelevant log messages from libraries are now also filtered when using syslog logging. (#385)
  • Release builds will now abort on panic, i.e., when an unexpected internal condition is detected. This ensures that there won’t be a
    Routinator in a coma. (#394)
  • The feature rta enables the new command rta for validating Resource Tagged Assertions as described in draft-michaelson-rpki-rta. This feature is not enabled by default and needs to be activated by adding the option --features rta to the Cargo build command.

Bug Fixes

  • Update start and end times will not change between consecutive metrics reports any more. (#389)
  • Local exceptions will now be loaded before starting a validation run both in vrps and server mode instead of discarding the run after it finished when loading fails. In server mode, we now wait 10 seconds after loading local exceptions fails and try again instead of repeatedly starting validation runs and discarding them. (594186c)
  • EE certificates encountered in the repository are now validated as router certificates rather than regular RPKI EE certificates. (#398)

Other Changes

  • Logging has been cleaned up. The meaning of the four log levels is now better defined – see the man page – and all log output has been reassigned accordingly. (#396)

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