github NHAS/wag v5.0.0-pre-release
v5.0.0-pre-release Port Filtering

latest releases: v8.0.1, v8.0.0, v8.0.0-beta17...
pre-release22 months ago

This release brings port restrictions to wag as per the feature request in #25
A rather large change to the code, so it will bring about some bugs. Hence the pre-release.


  • Wag ACLs are now ale to define port, protocol and port range restrictions.

ACL rule syntax

The Policies section allows you to define what routes, ports and protocols should be both captured by the VPN and allowed through wag respectively.
Currently 3 types of port and protocol rules are supported:


When no other rules are defined or the any keyword is used wag will allow all services and port combinations.


"": Allows all ports and protocols to
" 54/any": Allows both tcp and udp to

Single Service

Example: 22/tcp 53/udp: Fairly self explanatory, allows you to hit 22/tcp and 53/udp on a host icmp: As icmp doesnt have ports really you dont need it either


You can also define a range of ports with a protocol. wag requires that the lower port is first.

Example: 22-1024/tcp 53-23/any: Format is low port-high port/service

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