Change Log
- Fix application crashes on exit when "Verbose Mode" is on.
- Fix locale lost when application is executed by some other programs.
- Add confirmation option to actions.
- Add keep launcher option to actions.
- New SAO font face by darkblackswords.
- New font face for Japanese Kana.
- Adjust UI and animation.
- 修正以“诊断模式”启动时程序退出后异常。
- 修正由于启动不当造成的无法正常显示本地语言。
- 添加执行前确认选项。
- 添加执行后保持启动器选项。
- 新的 SAO 风格字体 by darkblackswords。
- 新的日语假名字体。
- 调整 UI 及动画。