github Mzying2001/CefFlashBrowser 1.0.4
v1.0.4 - release

latest releases: 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6...
2 years ago


  • 修复关闭网页后音乐仍在播放的bug
  • 修复初次加载Flash时弹出黑窗口的bug
  • 修复使用“Ctrl+W”快捷键关闭页面时全部网页被关闭的bug
  • 支持自定义新页面的打开方式
  • 支持OnBeforeUnloadDialog
  • 优化swf播放器
  • 优化网页右键菜单


  • Fix the bug that music is still playing after closing the webpage
  • Fix the bug that a black window pops up when Flash is loaded for the first time
  • Fix the bug that all webpages are closed when using the shortcut key "Ctrl+W" to close the page
  • Supports customizing how new pages are opened
  • Support OnBeforeUnloadDialog
  • Optimize swf player
  • Optimize webpage right-click menu

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