github MystenLabs/sui mainnet-v1.12.2

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12 months ago


Sui Protocol Version in this release: 29

Make Sui to verify zkLogin legacy address (derived with padded address_seed). Upgrade protocol version to 29 to enable verification with the legacy address.

Fix bug in the verify_zklogin_id function which returns a VerifiedId as expected, but the object can't be transferred or wrapped because it doesn't have the store ability. The function now transfers the VerifiedId to the sender instead. The same fix has been implemented for verify_zklogin_issuer.

Added a verify_zklogin_id function to the Sui Framework. You can use the function to prove the specific identity used to create a zkLogin address and link the identity to their address. The function returns a verified identity object, which you can use to authenticate smart contracts. Also added a similar function, verify_zklogin_iss, which reveals only who issued the identity that was used to create a zkLogin address.

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