New u16, u32, u256 types in Sui-Move
In addition to
, Sui-Move now supports 3 additional unsigned integer typesu16
: for 16 bit unsigned integers, example12356u16
: for 32 bit unsigned integers, example12345678u32
: for 256 bit unsigned integers, example1234567890129463492427367372u256
VSCode Move-analyzer, and Emacs Major Mode have been updated to support these types, so we recommend updating your editor.
Update to latest Sui binaries to avoid compatibility issues.
if you run a fullnode using docker make sure to reset the db/volume using:
docker compose down -v
and if building and running from source then remove the fullnode db directory:
rm -rf /data/authorities_db/full_node_db
(or whatever you have configured)
Shipping commits: devnet-0.13.2...devnet-0.14.0