github MrPhryaNikFrosty/Winlator-Frost 0.2.7
Winlator@Frost 9.0 V2

one day ago
  • Added more localization mostly European localization (for testing only, I will remove some of localization if it less in use in the future)
  • Added wrapper such as dxwrapper, d3d8to9, nglide and dgvoodoo that are imported from micewine mod
  • Added more new fonts to fix missing texts in some games
  • Added turnip
  • Added more wined3d imported from micewine
  • Updated wine 9.2 lib based on latest afei, may fix missing characters in some games
  • Updated registry in start menu
  • Some minor changes in start menu
  • Added more new env, some of them imported from winlator 9.1.1 and some of them are from my older version
  • Added zink installation in the start menu
  • Some tweaks have been made from 1.2

Note: If you are having unusual dropped performance please remove the following env below:

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