github Moya/Moya 14.0.0-beta.1

latest releases: 15.0.3, 15.0.1, 15.0.0...
pre-release4 years ago


✅ Combine extensions
✅ NetworkLoggerPlugin rewrite
✅ Alamofire 5.0.0-rc.1

For NetworkLoggerPlugin, see our migration guide!



  • Combine support! #1904 by @sunshinejr.
  • Very raw SPM testing support! Thanks to the work on OHHTTPStubs, we can finally start using swift test again. #1896 by @sunshinejr.


  • Breaking Change Minimum version of Alamofire is now 5.0.0-rc.1. #1909 by @sunshinejr.
  • Breaking Change The NetworkLoggerPlugin have been reworked to allow more customization about the logged request's components. #1894 by @amaurydavid.
  • Breaking Change Bumped ReactiveSwift version to 6.1.0. This should only affect Carthage users, but you'll probably want to use 6.1.0 in all of your Xcode 11 projects. #1896 by @sunshinejr.
  • NetworkLoggerPlugin now logs error when available (using LogOptions.verbose or specyfing errorResponseBody in your LogOptions). #1880 by @amaurydavid.

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