github MovingBlocks/Terasology v1.3.0
Alpha 6 - the lots of stuff release!

latest releases: pre-2023-revive, v5.3.0, v5.3.0-rc.2...
7 years ago

This release ran long and contains way more stuff than usual, including several new modules :-)

See the closed milestone issues for changes, and the engine job in Jenkins for more (it "failed" because one version number hadn't been updated, doh)

There are still some known issues that have been notable lately, those are tracked in a new milestone and hopefully we can fix some of those soon and maybe make Alpha 7 a pretty quick follow-up.

New modules included:

  • Alchemy - brew potions!
  • Cooking - make food!
  • EdibleSubstance - guess what this one goes with
  • Smithing - metal stuff - being extracted somewhat out of the TTA template
  • Thirst - extracted from Hunger which used to cover both
  • WorkstationCrafting - meant to hold the crafting powering both TTA and JS

As usual a lot of this stuff remains mostly accessible via game console and is more a sign of the area being worked on :-)

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