github MonitorControl/MonitorControl v2.0.0
MonitorControl v2.0.0

latest releases: v4.2.0, v4.1.0, v4.0.2...
4 years ago

With v2.0.0 the biggest new feature is support for controlling internal displays!
Some parts of the underlying codebase had to be rewritten for this.

What's new

  • Added support for using ctrl + brightness keys for controlling internal display only. (#175)
  • Internal display will now show in the displays list and will respect the enabled setting. You can control its brightness together with your external displays. (#175)
  • Updated Chinese (simplified) translation. (Thanks to @womeimingzi11) (#155)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Issue detecting the output device (#187)
  • Fixed keyRepeatTimer issue with multiple displays while holding down a MediaKey (#175)

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