/!\ PC Application Patch Available /!\
Please make sure to replace the switch-remote-play-host.exe
included in this release with the patched exe available at https://github.com/Moehammered/switch-remote-play/releases/tag/0.9.0-pc-audio-patch
Download the 7z or zip archive and follow the instructions to setup
Instructions have been updated and old instructions have been deleted. All instructions now will be placed in the wiki. Eventually there will be more pages added with helpful configuration options for the encoder settings.
- Atmosphere CFW is the only officially supported firmware. SX OS is not officially supported.
A lot has changed under the hood. This is a breaking change, so following semantic versioning I should push this version to v1.0 however I am saving v1.0 once I manage to get a few other changes in.
Anyway, this means v0.9.0 is not compatible at all with previous versions of the program. So it is recommended to delete old versions of Switch Remote Play completely. (Feel free to make a backup of course in case this version doesn't work for you).
On to the changes!
PC Host Application Changes
Deleted old Switch HID Key definitions
- LibNX has finally deleted the deprecated HID input implementation. So they were removed from here too.
Updated Configuration Data payload
- This means that the pc program expects switch-remote-play v0.9.0 and will not work with older versions.
Updated network diagnostic output
- The broadcast address config line advice it outputs now reflects the new configuration file format for the app
Ffmpeg Encoder argument parser added
- Created an ffmpeg argument parser that will create an ffmpeg argument line for CPU or AMD GPU encoder codecs
Coloured console text
- Text output is now coloured to help distinguish between different diagnostic sections
- Any startup issues will be coloured in red to help identify problems
Invert Controller Analog Axis added #20
- Added the ability to invert the X and Y analog axis for the left and right analog sticks
Switch Application Changes
Invert Controller Analog Axis added #20
- Added the ability to configure and invert the X and Y analog axis for the left and right analog sticks
- Thanks so much for being patient mathew77! :)
Deleted old Switch HID input API usage
- LibNX has finally deleted the deprecated HID input implementation. So they were removed from here too.
UI Refactor
- Almost all the UI screens had their code re-written and refactored to make it easier for myself to add parameters and more screens
- This does not have any effect on the users, the behaviour of the UI is still the same, just the code behind it has changed so much
- and I'm still not satisfied with it :P
Configuration File Refactor
- Configuration is now broken up into separate files for each respective configuration screen/option
- You will see a configuration file now for network, decoder, common, etc
- Old configuration files are not compatible anymore. You can delete them or back them up and see if there are any settings you'd like to replicate in the new configuration screens
Encoder Configuration Overhaul - Includes h264_amf codec (AMD GPU encoder)
- Encoder configuration menu has been overhauled now to allow for choosing which h264 encoder to use
- To choose different codec, cycle through the 'codec' option on the Encoder Configuration page
- Use d-pad left/right to change to the codec's parameters page to configure the respective options
- h264 CPU encoder was simplified and had some other options added
- Bitrate mode can be chosen now (constant or variable - before it was always variable)
- Profile option was added (this can help low end hardware or latency by choosing 'baseline')
- h264 AMF encoder added (AMD GPU hardware encoder)
- This was the sole reason why I needed to completely overhaul and refactor the UI code.
- Added options that I found had the most dramatic effects in testing
- Encoder configuration menu has been overhauled now to allow for choosing which h264 encoder to use
Built with latest LibNX(v4.1.3 at this time of release)
- Meaning it should work fine for latest firmware (12.0.3 at this time)
This release is a huge amount of changes since the last release in February. If I've forgotten anything, sorry about that.
I want to say thank you so much for all the patient users out there!
Hope you all enjoy this release!