github Minituff/nautical-backup v2.8.0

9 hours ago

Docker Socket Proxy Support

Requested by: #230


The simple configuration is to pass the Docker socket straight into the Nautical container like this:

  • /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

However, giving access to your Docker socket could mean giving root access to your host.
While Nautical needs some control of your Docker socket to inspect/start/stop/exec your containers, it does not need complete control.
Using the Docker Socket Proxy allows you to remove permissions away from Nautical but still allow what's necessary.


We can use the Docker Socket Proxy container to act as a man-in-the-middle (AKA Proxy) for the Docker socket.

Essentially, the DSP gets full control over the Docker Socket, but it then gives out smaller permissions to the socket out to Nautical (or anything else).


For more information about which Docker Socket Proxy Enviornment varibles you must enable, check out their docs.

  # Establish the docker socket proxy
    image: tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy
    container_name: docker_socket_proxy
      - 2375:2375
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      # Enable the API access to the following sections of the Docker API
      - CONTAINERS=1
      - IMAGES=1
      - ALLOW_START=1
      - ALLOW_STOP=1
      - EXEC=1
      - VOLUMES=1

    image: minituff/nautical-backup:2.8
    container_name: nautical-backup
      # Notice we removed the socket mount
      - /config:/config
      - /source:/app/source
      - /destination:/app/destination
      # Enable the Proxy in Nautical
      # The name `docker_socket_proxy` must match the name of the service
      # And they must be in the same compose, unless you use the absolute URL
      - DOCKER_HOST=tcp://docker_socket_proxy:2375

Full Changelog: v2.7.2...v2.8.0

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