github MinaProtocol/mina 3.0.1-alpha1
Devnet Pre-Release 3.0.1-alpha1

latest releases: 3.0.4-beta1, 3.0.4-alpha2,
pre-release7 months ago

The o1Labs team is proud to announce that 3.0.1-alpha1 is ready to test on Devnet! This release includes a set of important bugfixes, improvements as well as code cleanup & CI improvements.

If you run into any issues, please include Release: 3.0.1-alpha1 in the name of any issues you create.
Please report any issues you encounter here or join the Discussion!

What changed

Bug Fixes

  • Allow resending local txns #13409
  • Ignore old, deprecated fields in rosetta transactions #15718


  • Move wire check to the tx validation logic #15813
  • [Rosetta] Refactor indexer SQL queries #15780

Complete Changelog since 3.0.0:


Supported environments include macOS, Linux (Debian 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), and any host machine with Docker.

Debian 10 is no longer a supported operating system and as such is not tested as part of our release process.
We recommend that users upgrade to a more recent supported operating system.

Upgrading & Connecting to Devnet

Note - if you encounter the following error when launching one of the debian packages:
"Could not find a ledger tar file for hash 'jy1wjiJgTkzXr7yL8r5x4ikaNJuikibsRMnkjdH6uqGCsDmR2sf'"

Please run the following command to manually download the ledger, this is a one time operation.
curl --fail --silent --show-error -o /tmp/s3_cache_dir/genesis_ledger_7f8e3c72be57f296e86e1083379c7a09c6131b1567510cf0019eb4aff8b87813.tar.gz

Debian Packages:

Debian Repository:
First, set up and update the alpha Debian Repository for your platform with the following commands:

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina*.list
echo "deb [trusted=yes] $(lsb_release -cs) alpha" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina-alpha.list
sudo apt-get update

Then, install the package(s) that you need:

Mina Daemon: sudo apt-get install --allow-downgrades -y mina-devnet=3.0.1-alpha1-0473756
Mina Archive: sudo apt-get install --allow-downgrades -y mina-archive=3.0.1-alpha1-0473756
Mina Archive Schema: create_schema.sql
Config File: var/lib/coda/config_04737568.json

Docker Images:

Every docker image is built for each of the supported platforms, replace CODENAME in the images below with your choice of focal or bullseye to select the base docker image.

Mina Daemon:
Mina Archive:
Mina Rosetta:

Step by Step Guide:

Docker only Make sure to run with:
--peer-list-url or add PEER_LIST_URL= to your .mina-env.

Run mina daemon with:
mina daemon --peer-list-url

Check out our documentation for complete instructions on using this version to connect to Devnet.

If you are running the correct version on the correct network DEVNET, mina client status will show:

Chain id:     29936104443aaf264a7f0192ac64b1c7173198c1ed404c1bcff5e562e05eb7f6
Git SHA-1:    047375688f93546d4bdd58c75674394e3faae1f4

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