github MinaProtocol/mina 1.5.0devnet-stop-slot
Mina Devnet 1.5.0 Stop Slot Release

latest releases: 3.0.1-migration-tooling, 3.0.0-migration-tooling, 3.0.0devnet...
pre-releaseone month ago

❗ This release is only to be used as part of the Devnet Upgrade ❗

This release is the first phase of the Devnet upgrade that specifies the stop slot in the codebase that formally begins the process.
This is the first stage in the upgrade process; while a subsequent devnet release will usher in the start of the new Devnet and as such the new era of Berkeley functionality on our Devnet! The stop slot will take effect at 09:00 UTC on April 9th 2024, please upgrade your devnet nodes before this time!

For this release we have temporarily enabled node status tracking by default to help us track the successful progress towards the devnet upgrade. This behaviour can be turned off by starting the node using the --disable-node-status flag.

Supported environments include macOS, Linux (Debian 10, 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), and any host machine with Docker.

Connecting to the Devnet network

Debian Packages:

Debian Repository:
First, set up and update the devnet Debian Repository for your platform with the following commands:

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina*.list
sudo echo "deb [trusted=yes] $(lsb_release -cs) devnet" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina-devnet.list
sudo apt-get update

Then, install the package(s) that you need:

Mina Daemon:
sudo apt-get install --allow-downgrades -y mina-devnet=1.5.0devnet-stop-slot-c18c750
sudo apt-mark hold mina-devnet=1.5.0devnet-stop-slot-c18c750
Mina Archive:
sudo apt-get install --allow-downgrades -y mina-archive=1.5.0devnet-stop-slot-c18c750
sudo apt-mark hold mina-archive=1.5.0devnet-stop-slot-c18c750
Mina Archive Schema: create_schema.sql
Config File: var/lib/coda/config_c18c750a.json

Docker Images:

Every docker image is built for each of the supported platforms, replace CODENAME in the images below with your choice of focal, buster, or bullseye to select the base docker image.

Mina Daemon:
Mina Archive:
Mina Archive Schema: create_schema.sql
Mina Rosetta:

Step by Step Guide:

Run mina daemon with the following seed list parameter:

If you are running the correct version on the correct network, devnet will show:

Chain id:     b6ee40d336f4cc3f33c1cc04dee7618eb8e556664c2b2d82ad4676b512a82418
Git SHA-1:    c18c750a76a66da9b57587f2cc77b9d996eb76cd

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