github MinaProtocol/mina 1.2.0beta3
Mainnet Beta Release 1.2.0beta3

latest releases: 3.0.2-alpha1, 3.0.1, 3.0.1-beta1...
pre-release3 years ago

As usual, the O(1) Labs team is hard at work on the networking issues reported in 1.2.0beta2 but we are struggling to find the root cause of the issue. To mitigate the problem, beta3 reintroduces the old behavior of crashing the node when it has been offline for too long (30 minutes), so that it will restart fresh and rejoin the network. Our initial testing with this change suggests that it will not make a big difference so the offline behavior remains, especially after 2-3 days of uptime. We're publishing this release anyway to get the new features into users hands and we're still hard at work behind the scenes searching for the root cause of the offline (and related) issues.

Now for the good news! 1.2.0beta3 also introduces a more immediately useful new feature, the new foundation delegation uptime tracking system. So that folks can begin testing it more widely, this beta release allows you to connect to our uptime tracking endpoint or run your own, but the data you submit now WILL NOT COUNT towards your uptime until this feature is released in a stable version. At that point we will make an announcement, wipe the google cloud bucket, and reset everything for production use. In the meantime, you can try out the new daemon flags ( --uptime-submitter <PUBLIC_KEY>, --uptime-url and the new environment variable UPTIME_PRIVKEY_PASS for providing the password to the keypair you registered with on the leaderboard. See #9160 for more details on how to use this new feature. Additionally, if you want to test out the backend side or experiment with creating your own leaderboard UI, check out the backend README.

Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes:

  • Mitigation for the offline issue (crash when node has been offline for 30 minutes) #9301
  • New metrics for tracking RPC responsiveness #9222

New Features:

  • New Mina Foundation Uptime Tracking! #9160
    • This feature assumes the block producer key you intend to use has been imported with mina accounts import --privkey-path /path/to/your/key.
    • To test the new system, pass in the following information to the daemon:
      • The public key you submitted to the Mina Foundation for the existing leaderboard with the flag --uptime-submitter <PUBLIC_KEY>
      • The URL of our testing backend server with the flag --uptime-url
      • The password for the keypair associated to the given public key with the environment variable UPTIME_PRIVKEY_PASS=<YOUR PASSWORD HERE>. If you are using a .mina-env file on Debian then this value should be on its own line, not included in MINA_FLAGS=.

Archive Node:

We put together a new tool to process archive node data all the way back to the genesis block, locate any "swapped" balances (caused by a pre-1.1.5 bug in the archive node logic), and fix them. See for complete instructions.

Complete Changelog since 1.2.0beta2:

For more information about the changes included in 1.2.0beta1, see the previous release notes

Upgrading & Connecting

Daemon Release Artifacts:

Docker Image:
Debian Package:
To allow for installation of mina beta builds:

echo "deb [trusted=yes] stretch beta" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina-beta.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mina-mainnet=1.2.0beta3-0c70f84

Archive Node Release Artifacts:

Docker Image:
Debian Package:
sudo apt-get install -y mina-archive-mainnet=1.2.0beta3-0c70f84
Schema for initializing postgres:

Sandbox Node: For testing in an isolated, single-node network without snarks

As of 1.2.0, the demo functionality is built into the standard daemon container, via the environment variable RUN_DEMO=true.
Just docker run -it --name mina-demo -e RUN_DEMO=true and go!


To use any of the above packages or docker images on devnet instead of mainnet, with testnet signatures, you can simply replace mainnet with devnet in either the name of the package or the docker image tag.

Block Producer Stats Sidecar:

The block producer sidecar will be replaced with the foundation delegation uptime tracker described above, once it is graduated to stable.

Step by Step Guide:

Check out our documentation for complete instructions on using this version to connect to Mainnet. Make sure to run with --peer-list-url

If you are running the correct version on the correct network, mina client status will show:

Chain id:     5f704cc0c82e0ed70e873f0893d7e06f148524e3f0bdae2afb02e7819a0c24d1
Git SHA-1:    0c70f84fd339e9b20f37063dea1eaf010ff352d2

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