github MinaProtocol/mina 1.2.0beta2
Mainnet Beta Release 1.2.0beta2

latest releases: 3.0.1-migration-tooling, 3.0.0-migration-tooling, 3.0.0devnet...
pre-release2 years ago

The team at O(1) Labs continues to make improvements to the current beta build in order to address some of the issues that are present, ensuring we will have a stable build ready before the beta is upgraded to a stable release. All of these changes have been tested internally and/or included in previous public alphas. Included into this beta build are some additional logs which will help us to gather more information to address the remaining issues with 1.2.0. We still need your help to properly test how reliable the changes are on non-critical mainnet nodes. Please notify us with new github issues or on discord if you encounter any regressions since 1.1.5, we want to get them resolved for you ASAP so the stable release of 1.2.0 can be perfect!

We DO NOT recommend upgrading critical mainnet infrastructure over to this version all at once. For production use, please wait for the upcoming stable release of 1.2.0. Anyone who is running more than 3 nodes should upgrade up to 1/3rd of them to the beta channel, to slowly rollout the new changes, but continue to run 1.1.5 on enough nodes to fall back on just in case. 1.2.0 will graduate to stable soon enough!

This release includes a series of fixes to address some issues that caused nodes to crash in the prior beta build. It does not address all of the issues that have been reported, but includes necessary logging information that will help to debug and address the remaining issues before it is upgraded to stable. Most notably, bugs related to nodes going into the “Offline” status, and bugs related to degraded GraphQL API performance are still outstanding in this build. The team at O(1) Labs hopes to, with the help of the community, collect new logs from this beta build so that these can issues can be promptly fixed.

If you want to assist the team in debugging these issues, keep an eye out for the Offline state and upload/attach the logs here #9210. Similarly, if you encounter the graphQL interface becoming unresponsive, share your logs and experience in #9211.

From now on builds will be packaged and released to the debian repo based on debian release codenames (stretch for Debian 9/Ubuntu 18.04 and soon buster for Debian 10 / Ubuntu 20.04), and a release channel (alpha, beta, stable, unstable).

To move your machine to the beta channel and install this build you must first execute the following:

echo "deb [trusted=yes] stretch beta" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina-beta.list
sudo apt-get update

This creates a file, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina-beta.list which configures the stretch/beta repository.
Delete this file and reinstall mina if you want/need to downgrade back to 1.1.5.

New Logging:

  • Add debug logging for increased visibility in libp2p IPC delays #9193

Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes:

  • Fix remaining WNOHANG crashes caused by child process management #9171
  • Prevent mina ledger export-ledger staged-ledger from blocking RPC heartbeats from being processed #9168
  • Fix file descriptor leak by ensuring stdin is closed for all child processes after they have exited #9178

Complete Changelog since 1.2.0beta1:

For more information about the changes included in 1.2.0beta1, see the previous release notes

Upgrading & Connecting

Daemon Release Artifacts:

Docker Image:
Debian Package:
To allow for installation of mina beta builds:

echo "deb [trusted=yes] stretch beta" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina-beta.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mina-mainnet=1.2.0beta2-23842ac

Archive Node Release Artifacts:

Docker Image:
Debian Package:
sudo apt-get install -y mina-archive-mainnet=1.2.0beta2-23842ac
Schema for initializing postgres:

Sandbox Node: For testing in an isolated, single-node network without snarks

As of 1.2.0, the demo functionality is built into the standard daemon container, via the environment variable RUN_DEMO=true.
Just docker run -it --name mina-demo -e RUN_DEMO=true and go!


To use any of the above packages or docker images on devnet instead of mainnet, with testnet signatures, you can simply replace mainnet with devnet in either the name of the package or the docker image tag.

Block Producer Stats Sidecar:

The block producer sidecar has been upgraded to be more stable and resilient when nodes are in bootstrap/catchup. The :latest docker tag has been updated, or you can pull minaprotocol/mina-bp-stats-sidecar:1.1.6-386c5ac to ensure you are using the newest version.
Docker Image
Debian Package
sudo apt-get install -y mina-bp-stats-sidecar=1.2.0beta2-23842ac

Step by Step Guide:

Check out our documentation for complete instructions on using this version to connect to Mainnet. Make sure to run with --peer-list-url

If you are running the correct version on the correct network, mina client status will show:

Chain id:     5f704cc0c82e0ed70e873f0893d7e06f148524e3f0bdae2afb02e7819a0c24d1
Git SHA-1:    23842acf84226b55b654f00bdca8b23da1432916

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