github MinaProtocol/mina 1.0.5
Devnet Relaunch v1.0.5

latest releases: 2.0.0beta1, 3.0.1-migration-tooling, 3.0.0-migration-tooling...
3 years ago


To support a wider variety of development and testing needs, we are relaunching the Devnet with a new genesis ledger. The new ledger includes all of the stake and token distribution we have been using for finalfinal2 (and will use for mainnet) but all of the tokens are unlocked so that anyone with stake in genesis can test out sending transactions. Additionally, we preserved some partner keys and a selection of backup keys that were generated for Testworld, and added some block producers to our internal network with a lot of stake to ensure blocks and transactions are always flowing.

Alerting, Monitoring, and Testing:

  • Watchdog support for checking libp2p responsiveness #8144
  • Improved and expanded alerting #8159
  • Fix the coinbase metric to only report the best tip when it is recent #8160

Regressions Resolved:

  • Add timeouts to telemetry streams #8153

New Features:

  • New advanced command for sending rosetta-formatted transactions (such as transactions constructed on a Ledger Nano S) #8167
    • run mina advanced send-rosetta-transactions -help to get started with the new feature.
  • New tool for generating genesis ledgers based on a .tsv file #8168
  • A new network means a new genesis ledger, PR #8174 adds the new devnet.json ledger file and #8157 fixes the formatting

See 1.0.2...1.0.5 for the complete set of changes since 1.0.2

Upgrading & Connecting

Daemon Release Artifacts:

Debian Package:
sudo apt-get install -y mina-testnet-postake-medium-curves=1.0.5-68200c7
Docker Image:

Archive Node Release Artifacts:

Debian Package:
sudo apt-get install -y mina-archive=1.0.5-68200c7
Docker Image:
Schema for initializing postgres:

Sandbox Node: For testing in an isolated, single-node network without snarks

Docker Image:
Just docker run -it --name mina-demo minaprotocol/mina-demo:1.0.5-68200c7 and go!

Step by Step Guide:

Check out our documentation for complete instructions on using this version to connect to the relaunched Devnet network. Make sure to run with --peers-list-url

If you are running the correct version on the correct network, mina client status will show:

Chain id:     8af43cf261ea10c761ec540f92aafb76aec56d8d74f77c836f3ab1de5ce4eac5
Git SHA-1:    68200c7b409e105d174f079c5c39f7926819784b

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