github git-bug/git-bug 0.6.0

latest releases: v0.8.0, v0.7.2, 0.7.1...
5 years ago

This release mainly feature the Github exporter, the bidirectional Gitlab bridge, extensive bridge improvements and better text support in the TermUI.

Thanks to the work of @A-Hilaly during and after the Google Summer of Code, numerous improvements have been made on the bridges. The Github workflow is now complete, a full Gitlab bridge has been added, support for cancellation and resume make them fast and robust.

An important work leading to the creation of has been done to provide a better text rendering in the CLI and the termUI, especially for languages with wide characters like Japanese or Chinese.

Breaking changes

  • bridges configuration format changed. If you had a configured bridge, you will need to remove the section in the git config (in .git/config) and configure it again


  • Labels now have colors and are displayed in each UI and exposed in GraphQL, thanks to @ludovicm67
  • text formatting for the terminal (CLI and TermUI) as been extracted into its own reusable package:
  • a new infrastructure for storing bridge's tokens and credentials has been added by @A-Hilaly. This allow in particular to reuse the same credential from multiple git repository.
  • hash collision are now checked before storing a new operation


  • new command git-bug bridge push to push updates to a remote bugtracker
  • git bug webui learned the --open and --no-open flags to control if the UI should be automatically opened in the default browser, as well as the git config to control the default behavior
  • new command git-bug bridge auth to list known credentials
  • new command git-bug bridge auth add-token to store a new token
  • new command git-bug bridge auth rm to remove a credential
  • new command git-bug bridge auth show to display a credential's detail
  • the command git-bug termui learned the git bug tui alias
  • PowerShell completion is now available


All of the following changes have been implemented by @A-Hilaly , awesome work and a lot of thanks ! ❤️

  • new fully-featured Github exporter
  • new fully-featured Gitlab importer
  • new fully-featured Gitlab exporter
  • the Github configurator learned to detect candidate projects from the git remotes
  • all bridges now support cancellation for import and export
  • all bridges now return a stream of events so that UIs can report them appropriately
  • all bridges now tag bugs with their origin and exporter only export their own bugs to avoid unexpected situations. A way to control what is imported and exported will be added later
  • all bridges can now read a token from stdin during the configuration to avoid logging it in the shell history
  • Github and Gitlab bridges now support resume for a much faster import after the first import
  • Github and Gitlab bridges now have automated test suites


  • mutations now conform to the Relay specification
  • repository.ValidLabels is now a connection


  • @sandhose worked at improving the code architecture to prepare for more features
  • messages are now properly renderd in Markdown, thanks to @sandhose

🚀 ☀️

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