github MiKTeX/miktex 21.6
MiKTeX 21.6

latest releases: 24.4, 24.3, 24.1...
3 years ago

Breaking changes

Non-secure package repository URLs (schemes ftp and http) are deprecated. The package repository
picker (<Random package repository on the Internet>) always chooses a secure URL (scheme https).

Upgraded programs

  • luatex 1.14.0
  • metapost 2.01

Fixed issues

  • 754: search path of automatic format creation
  • 762: output of lfs.dir in luatex
  • 765: MiKTeX 21.3 / pdflatex crashes sometimes after compiling LaTeX documents
  • 768: kpsewhich with option --all
  • 780: [MikTeX Portable] Can't remove local texmf directory
  • 785: Create all auxiliary files in the directory specified by -aux-directory without ever writing in the source directory
  • 825: wrong search path for lua files with lualatex-dev
  • 833: Package downloader chooses insecure random mirrors

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