github MetaMask/metamask-extension v10.21.0
Version 10.21.0

latest releases: v11.16.15-mmi.0, v11.16.15-flask.0, v11.16.15...
20 months ago


  • Add functionality for buying native currency and tokens on Optimism and Arbitrum, using Transak (#16031)
  • Add functionality for buying tokens with Wyre (#15992)
  • Add functionality for buying tokens with Moonpay (#15924)
  • Add functionality for buying tokens with Coinbase Pay and Transak (#15551)
  • Add new translations for DE, EL, ES, FR, HI, ID, JA, KO, PT, RU, TL TR, VI and ZH_CN (#15411)
  • Add Hardware wallet Buy and Tutorial buttons and update copies (#14738)
  • [FLASK] Add support for blocking Snaps by source shasum (#15830)
  • [FLASK] Add transaction insights via Snaps (#15814)


  • Dark Mode: elevate the Theme functionality from Experimental to General Settings (#15865)
  • Update Arbitrum symbol from AETH to ETH (#15747)
  • Update warning dialog copy on SetApprovalForAll Confirmation page (#15744)
  • Update header display on NFT Approval and SetApprovalForAll Confirmation pages (#15727)
  • Bump @metamask/contract-metadata from 1.35.0 to 1.36.0 (#15597)
    • Add tokens: ZKP, GTON, PRVG, XCHF, XHT, OGV, veOFV, wOUSD and SUSHI
    • Fix SVG icons for sETH and sUSD tokens
    • Add the top NFT contracts on Opensea
  • Enable Add Popular Networks by default for all users (#16172)
  • Update @metamask/controllers to v31.2.0 (#16033)
  • Swaps: replace Rinkeby with Goerli for performing swaps on a testnet (#15781)
  • Swaps: only render tooltip component if swap network is disabled (#15733)
  • Swaps: use gasEstimateWithRefund instead of gasEstimate for more precise estimations (#15968)
  • Swaps: improve Build Quote page (#15758)
    • Preserve search query for the Swap from and Swap to form fields
    • Update placeholder text on Swap to and Swap from search fields
    • Update copy on slippage tolerance tooltip
  • [FLASK] Add snap_getBip32PublicKey RPC method (#15889)
  • [FLASK] BREAKING: Remove deprecated snap_getBip44Entropy_* method (#15889)
  • [FLASK] Miscellaneous fixes to the Snaps platform (#15889)


  • Fix double account creation when using keyboard controls on New Account page (#15077)
  • Fix error message getting cut when introducing wrong private key format on Import Account page (#15940)
  • Fix edit button not being displayed when sending tx with hex data to a contract on Confirm tx page (#15812)
  • Fix incorrect balance asset on Encrypt and Decrypt Request pages (#15885)
  • Fix spelling errors and improve grammar for German translation (#15592)
  • Fix typos for French translation (#15735)
  • Fix incorrect identicon type for Account, by ensuring Blockies is displayed everywhere when enabled instead of Jazzicon (#15768)
  • Fix query verification for signatures, by ensuring we skip searching 4byte directory if we don't have a full 4 bytes of data (#15473)
  • Fix address resolution to Account name, when editing a tx instead of displaying the hex address (#15873)
  • Fix "Get ether from faucet" message, by including the end of the sentence and a full stop (#15875)
  • Fix font weight of the <b> element, by restoring the b style (#15784)
  • Fix ETH badge being displayed to networks where ETH is not the primary currency (#16102)
  • Fix overlapping Portfolio tooltip with Network popup, when a custom network is added (#16090)
  • Fix typo in French translation for "removeAccount" (#16095)
  • Fix What's New notification not displayed to users who created a new wallet (#16042)
  • [FLASK] Fix an issue with installing snaps that request the eth_accounts permission (#16161)

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