github MessageKit/MessageKit 3.0.0-beta-swift4-2
3.0.0 Beta 1

latest releases: 4.2.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.0...
pre-release5 years ago


Dependency Changes

  • Breaking Change The dependency MessageInputBar was replaced with InputBarAccessoryView. As MessageInputBar was previously a fork this means no functionality has been lost but improvements and bug fixes will be present. InputBarAccessoryView has more of a following outside of MessageKit making its development faster than MessageInputBar. Maintaining two versions only increased the workload. You can find the changelog for InputBarAccessoryView here.


  • Breaking Change Deprecated the Sender struct in favor of the SenderType protocol.
    #909 by @nathantannar4

  • Breaking Change Add support for audio messages. Added new protocols AudioControllerDelegate, AudioItem a new cell AudioMessageCell and a new controller BasicAudioController.
    #892 by @moldovaniosif.

  • Breaking Change Moved handleTapGesture method to MessageCollectionViewCell
    #950 by @nathantannar4

  • Breaking Change Renamed function layoutBottomLabel(with:) to layoutMessageBottomLabel(with:) in MessageContentCell class.
    #920 by @maxxx777


  • Breaking Change Add support for share contact. #1013 by @moldovaniosif

  • Added typing indicator support, func setTypingIndicatorViewHidden(_ isHidden: Bool, animated: Bool, whilePerforming updates: (() -> Void)? = nil, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil). Return a custom typing view by conforming to MessagesDisplayDelegate or use the default appearance. Customize the size with MessagesLayoutDelegate .
    #989 by @nathantannar4

  • Added AccessoryPosition class.
    #989 by @subdiox

  • Added incomingAccessoryViewPosition and outgoingAccessoryViewPosition variables to MessageSizeCalculator class.
    #989 by @subdiox

  • Added setMessageIncomingAccessoryViewPosition(_:) and setMessageOutgoingAccessoryViewPosition(_:) functions to MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout class.
    #989 by @subdiox

  • Breaking Change Added avatarLeadingTrailingPadding as a property of CellSizeCalculator and MessagesCollectionViewLayoutAttributes to inset the AvatarView layout
    #944 by @nathantannar4

  • Breaking Change Added didTapBackground(in:) function to MessageCellDelegate protocol.
    #922 by @kpennacchia

  • Breaking Change Added didTapCellBottomLabel(in:) function to MessageCellDelegate protocol.
    #920 by @maxxx777

  • Breaking Change Added cellBottomLabelAttributedText(for:, at:) function to MessagesDataSource protocol.
    #920 by @maxxx777

  • Breaking Change Added cellBottomLabelHeight(for:, at:, in messagesCollectionView:) function to MessagesLayoutDelegate protocol.
    #920 by @maxxx777

  • Added cellBottomLabel to MessageContentCell.
    #920 by @maxxx777

  • Added layoutCellBottomLabel(with:) function to MessageContentCell class.
    #920 by @maxxx777

  • Added setMessageIncomingCellBottomLabelAlignment(_:) and setMessageOutgoingCellBottomLabelAlignment(_:) functions to MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout class.
    #920 by @maxxx777

  • Added cellBottomLabelAlignment and cellBottomLabelSize variables to MessagesCollectionViewLayoutAttributes class.
    #920 by @maxxx777

  • Added incomingCellBottomLabelAlignment and outgoingCellBottomLabelAlignment variables to MessageSizeCalculator class.
    #920 by @maxxx777

  • Added cellBottomLabelSize(for:, at:) and cellBottomLabelAlignment(for:) functions to MessageSizeCalculator class.
    #920 by @maxxx777

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