github Maschell/JWUDTool 0.1
JWUDTool 0.1

latest releases: 0.4, 0.3, v0.3-nightly-1e4a56c...
pre-release7 years ago

First commit:

Compressing .wud and splitted wud files into .wux
Extracting .app/-h3/.tmd/.cert/.tik files from a .wud/.wux or splitted .wud
Exctracting just the contents/hashes/ticket.
Decrypting the full game partition from a .wud/.wux or splitted .wud
Decrypting specific files the game partition from a .wud/.wux or splitted .wud
Verify a image / Compare two images (for example a .wud with .wux to make sure its legit)

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