github MarkusJx/node-java-bridge v2.2.3
Release v2.2.3

latest releases: v2.6.0, v2.5.2, v2.5.1...
15 months ago

Core changes

Allow proxies to be used in a synchronous context (experimental)

Added a new option called java.config.runEventLoopWhenInterfaceProxyIsActive to enable proxies to be used in a synchronous context.
This is an experimental feature and, in some cases, may cause your program to crash.

java.config.runEventLoopWhenInterfaceProxyIsActive = true;
const proxy = java.newProxy('java.util.function.Function', {
  apply: (arg: string): string => arg.toUpperCase();

const JavaString = java.importClass('java.lang.String');
const str = new JString('hello');

const res = str.transformSync(proxy);
// prints 'HELLO'

Allow proxies to be used after they have been garbage collected

Added a new option to newProxy which allows proxies to stay alive longer than the javascript proxy object they were previously bound to:

const proxy = java.newProxy('java.lang.Runnable', {
   run: (): void => {
     console.log('Hello World!');
}, {
   keepAsDaemon: true

const TimeUnit = java.importClass('java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit');
const ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor = java.importClass(
const executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);

// 'proxy' will eventually be garbage collected,
// but it will be kept alive due to this option.
executor.scheduleAtFixedRateSync(proxy, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

// Calling proxy.reset won't do anything, in order to destroy a daemon
// proxy, the 'force' argument must be set to true

// Delete all daemon proxies. This will cause the executor to stop
// due to an exception thrown in the run method since the proxy
// is now invalid

Auto-generated interface proxy definitions

The typescript definition generator now generates definitions for newProxy on interfaces:

import { createRunnableProxy } from './java/lang/Runnable';

const proxy = createRunnableProxy({
  run() {
    console.log('Hello World');

What's Changed

  • fix: avoid deadlock when calling proxy methods synchronously by @MarkusJx in #58
  • feat(bridge): allow proxies to be used after they have been garbage collected by @MarkusJx in #60
  • feat(tsDefGen): generate interface proxy definitions by @MarkusJx in #59
  • feat(ci): add address sanitizer workflow by @MarkusJx in #61
  • feat(tests): add test container dockerfile by @MarkusJx in #62
  • fix(ci): test container not being pushed by @MarkusJx in #63

Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.2.3

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