github MarceloPrado/flash-calendar @marceloterreiro/flash-calendar@1.0.0

7 days ago

Major Changes

  • 9bf22ed: Flash Calendar 1.0.0 🚢 🎉

    This release officially marks the package as production-ready (1.0.0).
    While it's been stable since the first release, bumping to 1.0.0 was something
    I had in mind for a while.

    • New: Add .scrollToMonth and .scrollToDate, increasing the options available for imperative scrolling (thanks to @danibonilha for their contribution 🙏🥳)

    Breaking changes

    This release introduces one small change in behavior if your app uses
    imperative scrolling. Previously, .scrollToDate would scroll to the month
    containing the date instead of the exact date. Now, .scrollToDate scrolls
    to the exact date as implied by the name.

    If you intentionally want to scroll to the month instead, a new .scrollToMonth
    method is available (same signature).

    I don't expect this to cause any issues, but worth mentioned

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