github Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass Release

latest releases: 2.3.1r, 2.3.1, 2.3.0...
13 months ago

优化了程序稳定性 #10 #69 #67
修复了Windows11 部分程序Mica背景变为纯色的问题 #63
优化了"减少标题栏按钮高度 (win7样式)"的样式 现在应当1:1还原win7的宽高 并修复了Tool窗口按钮尺寸不正确的问题 #16
修复了GUI程序关闭后有概率在后台死锁导致无法再次打开的问题 #57
内置增加了Windows 11 23H2 22631.3085的符号

感谢: Baakun, real-squid-kid, Dekamir, Unbloated, ghost, naturbrilian, LuisYeah1234-hub


我们正在积极准备下一版本,下一版本将会是重大更新,将会带来全新的效果! 但还未完成,敬请期待。

Optimized program stability. #10 #69 #67
Fixed the problem that Mica background changed to solid color in some programs of Windows 11. #63
Optimized the style of "Reduce title bar button height (win7 style)" Now it should be 1:1 Win7 width and fix the problem of incorrect size of Tool window buttons. #16
Fixed the problem that the GUI program may be deadlocked in the background after closing and cannot be opened again. #57
Built-in added symbols for Windows 11 23H2 22631.3085.

Added Japanese, Russian, Turkish, French, Portuguese, Indonesian and Italian translations.

Thanks to @Baakun, @real-squid-kid, @Dekamir, @Unbloated, @ghost, @naturbrilian, @LuisYeah1234-hub

Next version

We are actively preparing for the next version, which will be a major update that will bring brand new effects! But it's not finished yet, so stay tuned.
Considering the current stability, we are temporarily releasing this minor update, which should be more stable compared to the previous version.

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