Warning: Format of skin overlay extended data changed to accommodate the new features. Cards saved with the new version of the plugin will need v6.0 or later to load the overlays.
- d72bf20 @ManlyMarco Added support for separate left/right eye overlays
- 4a5c3a8 @ManlyMarco Added studio character settings for turning off overlays
- 7774585 b03208e @ManlyMarco [AI/HS2] Added eye overlays and underlays
- 3b81360 @ManlyMarco [AI/HS2] Fixed breaking skirt FK in Studio
- 9b191d4 @ManlyMarco [KK] Added support for per-coordinate skin and iris overlays (different overlays for different clothes)
- 64f8975 @ManlyMarco [KK] Copy clothing overlays when copying outfits
- 7bffdd9 @ManlyMarco [KK] Added BepInIncompatibility with KK_CharaOverlaysBasedOnCoordinate, since it adds the same feature
- 9504491 @ManlyMarco [KK] Removed obsolete feature to load overlays from specially named folders
- 7774585 @ManlyMarco Merged code for all games