github MadDeCoDeR/Classic-RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.1.666-classic
Classic RBDOOM 3 BFG 1.1.666

latest releases: nightly-2024-11-21-21-02-1732222953, nightly-2024-11-19-18-19-1732040346, nightly-2024-11-15-23-29-1731713342...
6 years ago


-Slight improvement on intro audio


-Fixed Critical issue with Master Levels Expansion (Preventing you to progress)

-Added Aspect Ratio option that allow you to switch between the original and the widescreen aspects

-Improvements and stabilty patches for mod loading on DOOM II expansions

-Added a reward if you finish all the Master Levels in "Hurt me Plenty" or higher difficulty (including the secret level)

-Fixed secret not triggering on Master Levels map "nessus" (Works only on the expansion)

-Fixed "idclev" cheat on console crashing the game when entering wrong level number in "No Rest For The Living" and "Master Levels" Expansions

-Re-enabling access to the xbox exclusive secret level "Betray"

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