github Macjutsu/super v4.0.0-beta1

latest releases: v5.0.0, v5.0.0-rc1, v5.0.0-beta5...
pre-release15 months ago


  • New option to save the user's password for future automatic macOS updates and upgrades. Literally, "Save Password" but for automatic macOS updates and upgrades.
  • New display customization options including unmovable dialogs and hide background mode courtesy of IBM Notifier 3.0.3.
  • New macOS installer workflows are now handled by mist-cli integration, thus removing all python dependencies.
  • New LaunchDaemon architecture significantly improves automatic launch and deferment reliability for all super workflows.
  • New default "always on" behavior automatically checks for Apple software updates on a regular basis.
  • Support for Jamf Pro 10.48+ (Beta) Managed Software Updates.
  • Support for Jamf Pro 10.49+ API Roles and Clients.

Compatibility Notes

Specific Changes (4.0.0-beta1)

  • New --usage and --help options behavior now no longer requires sudo, or installs super items, or writes anything to the super.log, or interferes with any running super workflow. However, super still installs automatically (if needed) when using any other options.
  • New default behavior if no updates/upgrades are available (or allowed), super now automatically checks for new updates/upgrades on a reoccurring basis. Thus, the --recheck-defer option has been replaced by this default behavior.
  • New deferral timer behavior, all deferral timer options are now in minutes (dialog timeouts remain in seconds).
  • New deferral timer behavior, all deferral timer options now allow you to specify up to 10080 minutes (1 week).
  • New --deferral-timer-workflow-relaunch=minutes option allows you to override the default check for new updates/upgrades deferral interval time of six hours (360 minutes).
  • New --workflow-disable-relaunch option prevents super from checking for new updates/upgrades on a reoccurring basis.
  • New --auth-ask-user-to-save-password option to save the user's password to the user's keychain after a succesfull user authentication dialog.
  • New --auth-credential-failover-to-user option enables fail over to user authentication if any new or previously saved authentication option fails. (The --auth-mdm-failover-to-user option remains as is still used to facilitate failover specific to MDM workflows.)
  • New saved authentication behavior, only one authentication option can be active at any given time. If multiple authentication options have been specified the priority order is; --auth-ask-user-to-save-password > --auth-local-account > --auth-service-add-via-admin-account > --auth-jamf-client > --auth-jamf-account
  • New Apple silicon credential storage mechanism now encodes all keychain items as base64. This allows for storing unicode text strings and further obfuscates the authentication credentials.
  • New Apple silicon credential storage mechanism now also stores all saved administrator credential "account names" in the system keychain. The "account names" were previously stored in the super preference file.
  • Previously saved super 3 Apple silicon authentication credentials are automatically migrated to this new storage mechanism the first time super 4 runs.
  • New support for Jamf Pro 10.48+ (Beta) Managed Software Updates API. super automatically detects if this feature is enabled on your Jamf Pro server
  • New permisions requirements for the (Beta) Managed Software Updates API:
    • Jamf Pro Server Objects > Managed Software Updates > Read & Create
    • Jamf Pro Server Objects > Computers > Read
    • Jamf Pro Server Objects > Mobile Devices > Read
    • Jamf Pro Server Actions > Send Computer Remote Command to Download and Install macOS Update
    • Jamf Pro Server Actions > Send Mobile Device Remote Command to Download and Install iOS Update
  • New support for Jamf Pro 10.49+ API roles and clients authentication. The new --auth-jamf-client=ClientID and --auth-jamf-secret=ClientSecret options allow you to specify credentials for this new authentication mechanism.
  • New Jamf Pro API computer ID discovery method leverages the Jamf binary if no Jamf Pro ID is provided via super MDM configuration profile. (The Jamf Pro API privilege for "Computers Read" is no longer used to resolve the Jamf Pro ID.)
  • New --jamf-custom-url=URL option allows you to override the default Jamf Pro management URL for a custom Jamf Pro API URL.
  • New IBM Notifier 3.0.3 is automatically installed.
  • New dialog and notification behavior now automatically re-opens if the user attempts to quit via Command-Q keyboard shortcut.
  • Updated --display-silently option now allows for selectable display type behavior, see below for the available types.
  • New --display-unmovable option prevents the user from moving dialogs and notifications. Thus, the --display-redraw option has been removed.
  • New --display-hide-background option hides (via translucent blur) the background when displaying dialogs and notifications.
  • The new --display-silently, --display-hide-background, --display-hide-background options modify display behavior via the following types:
    • ALWAYS - Modify display behavior for all dialogs and notifications.
    • SOFT - Modify display behavior for Dialogs and notifications during a soft deadline.
    • HARD - Modify display behavior for Dialogs and notifications during a soft deadline.
    • INSTALLNOW - Modify display behavior for Dialogs and notifications during the install now workflow.
    • DEFER - Modify display behavior for the defer or restart dialog.
    • USERAUTH - Modify display behavior for the user authentication dialog.
    • POWER - Modify display behavior for the power required notification.
    • STORAGE - Modify display behavior for the insufficient storage notification.
  • New default behavior, no super dialog ever times out unless you use the --dialog-timeout-default=seconds option. This option sets the default timeout for any dialog that doesn't have a specific timeout setting.
  • New individual dialog timeout options now includes the following options:
    • --dialog-timeout-restart-or-defer=seconds
    • --dialog-timeout-soft-deadline=seconds
    • --dialog-timeout-user-auth=seconds
    • --dialog-timeout-insufficient-storage=seconds
    • --dialog-timeout-power-required=seconds
  • The user authentication dialog now shows the dialog timeout countdown (only when no custom display accessory is enabled).
  • New (renamed) --workflow-install-now option behavior now works when there is no active users.
  • New (renamed) --workflow-install-now option behavior is now a temporary option that is not saved for future runs of super. As such the InstallNow managed preference has been removed.
  • New rearchitected macOS installer workflows leverage mist-cli instead of for installer listings and downloads. (Thanks for your service @grahampugh)
  • New automatic installation of mist-cli version 1.15 if required to facilitate macOS installer workflows. (Huge shout out to @ninxsoft)
  • New internal mechanisms to validate downloaded macOS installers. (Thanks to @grahampugh code inspiration!)
  • Upgrade workflows using the macOS installer now use more accurate storage space requirements courtesy of mist-cli (previously this was statically set to 13GB for all macOS installers).
  • Systems with macOS 13 and newer no longer check for macOS installers (as they should be able to perform a macOS major upgrade via softwareupdate for all workflows).
  • jamfHelper is no loger supported, as such the following options have been removed: --icon-size-jamf=pixels --prefer-jamf-helper --prefer-jamf-helper-off
  • jamfHelper is no longer a display option (all code supporting jamfHelper has been removed). Thus, the --icon-size-jamf and --prefer-jamf-helper options have been removed.
  • The default battery level required percentage for Mac computers with Apple Silicon is now 20% (Intel remains at 50%).
  • Improved --reset-super clears local preferences for all versions of super including legacy preferences.
  • Improved temporary file methods for helper installation are now more secure. (Thanks to @giantwombat and @paragonsec for recommending this one!)
  • All super logs are now stored in the "logs" folder inside the super working folder. At this time legacy super logs are not moved to this new location.
  • Removed python dependency for Jamf Pro API token extraction. (Thanks to @jelockwood for this one!)
  • Resolved an issue where MacBook computers with M2 chips were not being properly identified as portables.
  • Resolved an issue where the patch version number (11.7.10 <- this last number) of macOS minor updates were not being properly identified.
  • Countless improvements to both regular and verbose log output.
  • super 4.0.0-beta1 SHA-256: f179ef824b128510f8867388d6d0252044cd2b4b36036181293a7601873c9ee3

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