github Maassoft/ColorControl v2.0.0.0
New release:

latest releases: v9.9.0.1, v9.9.0.0, v9.8.2.1...
3 years ago


  • Support for AMD graphics cards. Currently only color depth, pixel format, refresh rate, dithering and HDR is supported. Some settings will throw an error if using DVI/DP instead of HDMI. HDR is not tested (my old HD 7950 does not support HDR). More functionality will come later/by request.


  • WOL now uses the new mechanism by default. You can still use the Npcap variant by enabling the "Use old WOL mechanism (Npcap)" under options.
  • Replaced the delay setting with retries setting for powering up (WOL) after startup/resume. Waking up the tv should now be more reliable, especially on resume.

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