Important Note: After the update, kindly click on "Reset to Default" to ensure that all changes are applied correctly.
To apply the new dark theme, perform a hard refresh by pressing Ctrl+F5
- Manage balancers in settings UI #1759 @surbiks
- add outbound traffic reset #1767@surbiks
- Lang - Indonesian #1710 @lihin929
- bash - Firewall Management
- [feature] export subs @alireza0
- [wg] auto multi-peer and qrcode @alireza0
- [xray] option error log
- [xray] dns - new @alireza0
- SSL Security Alert @alireza0
- [sub] json + fragment @alireza0
- [xray] fakedns support @alireza0
- [xray] add meta, apple, reddit option to warp
- Ultra Dark Theme #1871 @TaraRostami
Update & improvement
- [outbound] set master outbound @alireza0
- [rule] clearable outbound & balancer @alireza0
- [logs] new bug-free log_writer @alireza0
- Update Uninstall Option #1801 @jalalsaberi
- some log changes #1789 @somebodywashere
- Create directory for IPLimit files if needed #1852 @somebodywashere
- open sniffing for all protocols @alireza0
- clear log hourly if !j.hasLimitIp and "./access.log" exist
- UI improvements #1813 @TaraRostami
- Minor fix in outbound form #1810 @shahin-io
- tgbot - Telegram api 7.1 changes
- prerequisite - tzdata
- minor changes
- some changes
- Update workflows to use Go 1.22
- Update go.mod to specify Go 1.22
- simplify log and text modals @alireza0
- [wg] new peer with one IP @alireza0
- [dark] change message by theme @alireza0
- Bash - BBR Disable Option
- better view
- minor changes