github LukeShortCloud/winesapOS 3.1.0-alpha.0

latest releases: 4.1.0-beta.1, 4.1.0-beta.0, 4.1.0-alpha.0...
pre-release2 years ago

The full read me file for winesapOS can be found here.

Setup instructions and system requirements can be found here.

Built using steamdeck-recovery-1.img and SteamOS 3.1 packages.

Top 3 new features:

  • Better support for Intel and NVIDIA graphics drivers.
    • We modified the SteamOS Mesa package to now build those native drivers.
    • Linux LTS is now used by default to provide better hardware support. Linux Neptune from SteamOS is still installed and available.
  • winesapOS repository added.
    • This contains pre-built packages from the AUR including linux-steamos, mesa-steamos, and lib32-mesa-steamos. We maintain all of these packages.
    • This repository will work on Arch Linux, Manjaro, and SteamOS.
      • Add the repository on Arch Linux or Manjaro:
        sudo sed -i s'/\[core]/[winesapos]\nServer = https:\/\/\/repo\nSigLevel = Never\n\n[core]/'g /etc/pacman.conf
        sudo pacman -S -y -y
      • Add the repository on SteamOS:
        sudo sed -i s'/\[jupiter]/[winesapos]\nServer = https:\/\/\/repo\nSigLevel = Never\n\n[jupiter]/'g /etc/pacman.conf
        sudo pacman -S -y -y
  • Most applications are installed as Flatpaks where possible.

Issues addressed since 3.0.1:

  • NVIDIA graphics cards boot to a black screen.
    • Solution: on the GRUB menu, select Arch Linux, with Linux linux-lts (fallback initramfs). The default Linux Neptune kernel from SteamOS lacks support for NVIDIA graphics cards.

Known issues:

  • Users must sometimes login twice. This is a bug in KDE Plasma 5.23 that has been resolved in version 5.24 of the desktop environment.
    • Solution: Wait for SteamOS 3 to update KDE Plasma.
  • Steam Deck client shows corrupt graphics.
    • Solution: the Steam Deck client works best on modern AMD GPUs but has also been reported as working on some Intel and NVIDIA graphics devices. Use the "Steam Desktop" application instead.
  • Steam Deck client cannot login.
    • Solution: log into the “Steam Desktop” application first.
      • Close Steam completely, launch the “Steam Desktop” client, select “Remember my password” and login, install and launch a game, close Steam completely, and then launch the “Steam Deck” client again. This is only required to be done once.
  • "Add/Remove Software" (Pamac) fails to launch if it has been updated.
    • Solution: Run the "winesapOS Upgrade" desktop shortcut to re-install an older version of Pamac that works on SteamOS.

The full change log can be found here.

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