Here's a list of updates, for stuff that no one asked for in the first place:
- UPDATED - Idle screen - Changed the layout of the Number & Name
- UPDATED - Session info: Added total Opponent number when race time is less than 1hr (ACC & iRacing)
- NEW - Damage Alert - New options in the Setting File
- NEW - Google Analytics to collect anonymous usage data (can be toggled on/off in Settings file)
- NEW - Added Touch Screen actions. If you have a touch screen DDU, you can now assign the actions for A/B/C/D
- NEW - Added in Dash RPM LEDs, ideal for those who do not have a dedicated DDU
- BUG FIX - Fixed a bug in the AVG Tyre Data display
- BUG FIX - Fixed an error upon loading the LFM URL
- BUG FIX - Night mode top right corner radius fixed
⚠️ Settings File Update
Updating the Settings File is advised. Four new options are available:
- Toggle anonymous analytics data collectiondamageAlert
- Display the damage alertdamageAlertDelay
- Set the delay of the damage alert in millisecondsrpmLED
Show - Show/Hide the RPM LED lights