github LoveRetro/NextUI v2.1.5-release

latest release: v2.1.6-release
one day ago
  • Fixed slowdown in menu's when adding game media!
  • Overall menu's are much faster including game switcher
  • Menus now have a sort of smooth transistion animation when moving the selection bar (looks really sweet)
  • Game media now below battery icon
  • Game switcher media full screen
  • Rounded corners on game media and game switcher to blend better with the rest of UI

v2.0.0 update notes:

  • Game Art/Media now availabe
  • Scrolling game titles (too long titles will scroll)
  • Leds fixed for TSP
  • Orange leds when battery below 20% and red below 10%

Important info

  • After updating its recommended to do a full reboot first
  • If you screen turns to a blue tint after installing, hold down select button and use volume up/down to adjust the color temperature of your screen!

For full features list and help on how to use etc of MinUI Next:

How to install/update

Just copy (don't unzip this file, just copy as zip file) and the trimui folder from the base zip file you downloaded to the root of your SD Card to update / install. When you turn on your device it will say updating/installing and after it will be installed/updated :)
Extra's can be copied optionally to your SD Card for extra emulators and tools.

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