github LongSoft/UEFITool A65
UEFITool / UEFIExtract / UEFIFind A65

latest releases: A70, A69, A68...
2 years ago

A bugfix release, with huge thanks to all the people that reported those new bugs.

New features:

  • Replaced AMI NVAR parser with KaitaiStruct-based one. This is another step towards "minimize manual parsing" goal stated by rewriting FIT/ACM/BootGuard parsers in KS, other NVRAM-related parsers will follow in the next updates.
  • Added fuzzing targets for libFuzzer-compatible and AFL-compatible fuzzers, which already uncovered a treasure throve of issues. Fixes are now in development, will be gradually included in the next updates.
  • Added --help (-h) and --version (-v) to UEFIExtract and UEFIFind, this makes them easier to use in scripts.


  • Universal macOS package for UEFITool is an app bundle again, thanks to @makigumo and @mikebeaton for reporting.
  • Unicode text search is working again, thanks to @nightgolfer and @mikebeaton for reporting.
  • UEFIExtract and UEFIFind can again be built with slightly older versions of CMake, thanks to @platomav for reporting.
  • Issues in descriptor and capsule parsing are non-fatal now, thanks to @platomav for reporting.
  • "Extract body" action did not work for some section types.

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