Merry Christmas!
etaHEN 1.9B Change log
the elfldr plugin is no longer required for loading plugins (or anything)
Added Byepervisor (By @PS5Dev) to etaHEN for 2.xx (auto triggers rest mode too)
[2.xx ONLY] Added Kernel patches for mprotect, the dir_depth limit and MMAP RWX
Removed the No longer needed Syscore patches
Added a Lite mode (kstuff or HEN ONLY) mode
Removed the DB triggers from etaHEN and moved them to itemzflow for all fws
etaHEN daemon loading time decreased from 5-6 secs to 1 secs
Shellcore FPKG Required FW patches By @EchoStretch for 2.xx
Added a Remote Play menu to the etaHEN toolbox (will activate the account for you)
Added the external HDD menu to the etaHEN toolbox utilites section
Added an Extras menu to the etaHEN toolbox utilites section which includes the NP enviroment and additional content manager
Added a Plugin auto start menu (illusion cheats included with Itemzflow)
etaHEN will now wait for kstuff to fully load before continuing
Any Plugin not enabled via the Plugin auto start menu will NOT auto start when you load etaHEN
Clicking the Install the Store button or loading plugins will no longer freeze until they are done, those are now done asynchronously
after loading etaHEN the etaHEN toolbox will stop the home menu before injecting (see the notification)
Improved stability when rebooting or shutting down the PS5
Removed the Cheats menu to add it back later in the next update (ran out of time)
Added React bundle (all FWs) & Self (only on 2.xx) decryption support to FTP
etaHEN can now be loaded via Johns Elf loader (mostly for 2.xx since 4.xx requires kstuff being sent to 9020)
Added support for the UMTX exploit
Stability improvements for restarting and shutting down (without plugins enabled)
a lot of changes made internally to etaHEN to focus on stability
Added a Testkit menu which wont let retails in (for now)
Console Info Overlay
- On [Custom]
- On + APU Temp
- On + Service Ports + temp
- Off
Trial System Software Expiration overlay
(ON) 1 Day left
(ON) 2 Days left
(ON) Expired
Added TestKit privacy overlay, when etaHEN is active the serial number, model name, and MAC address in the overlay will be censored