1.03 update change log
- Added a screen saver (with alternating text every 5 mins) when idling for 15 mins or if the controller is turned off
- Itemzflow now accepts and backups game saves in Apollo's Decrypted save format for portability
- Added 3 dpad speeds (to all directions) depending on how long you have held the button
- Screen saver shows IP address, FW, temp, itemzflow version and current theme info
- Install a PKG or dump a game directly to your PC using /hostapp when connected to an NFS share
- Added the Remote app virtual app to itemzflow's app menu when connected to an NFS Share
- Added specific vapp menus instead of showing the traditional game menu
- Added an option to stop music, hovering over background music in settings press square to stop and remove the music
- Added Fuse NFS PC IP to the settings menu
- NFS setting accepts other share names using the following format nfs://PC_IP/share_name
- Added libfuse (with patches) and a modified version of fuse-nfs by @sahlberg to the itemz-daemon (big thanks to @SocraticBliss)
- Added Fuse related RPC commands
- [HOT FIX] fixed the Store API by including the prx in the pkg
- Improved game dumper progress
- Removed the Reflections setting (can still be enabled manually and will continue to work if previously enabled)
- Daemon now saves every NFS IP after successful connection for auto connection
- Fixed move to and restore from USB in the game menus
- Improved the PS button redirect
- @illusion0001 moved game patches from using tinyjson to pugixml
- Improved Itemz-daemons RPC functions and Itemzflow's IPC functions
- Added vapp launch events
- Fuse currently only supports 9.00 and 5.05 goldhen or unreleased mira update, all fws
- Fixed a few bugs
Download the app here: https://pkg-zone.com/details/ITEM00001