github Lifailon/lazyjournal 0.6.0

latest releases: 0.7.5, 0.7.4, 0.7.3...
2 months ago

Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.6.0


  • Implemented tailspin-style log output coloring (functionality will be improved in future versions).

Since coloring imposes an additional load for line-by-line processing when loading the log, this slows down the filtering process. To increase performance, an asynchronous coloring process is used, which increases the speed by almost 2 times compared to the synchronous one (on average, 1.8 times). Also, the main conditions for partial keyword checking have been optimized as much as possible.


  • Loading and coloring 30K lines takes an average of 450 ms, for 100K lines it takes 1300 ms on a virtual machine (2 vCPU Intel Core i5-10400) from syslog files.
  • On MacBook Pro 2019 (Intel i7 x64) it averages 700 ms per 100K lines.


  • Debugged btmp and wtmp output for issue #6
  • Added log loading time (for debugging) instead of the maximum output lines value.
  • Improved filtering performance. Fixed an issue in Regex mode when using an empty filter or a character of any value in the string, and removed the limits on the number of output lines from the previous release (50K lines in Regex mode).
  • Improved performance when scrolling through the log (disabled filtering and output coloring).
  • Improved performance when updating file logs in the background (updating only occurs if the file has been changed).
  • Changed the timeout of the background update of all logs from one to three seconds, to avoid freezing when constantly changing data in the log with a volume of 100K lines and above.
  • Fixed the problem of adjusting the cursor position when filtering text after scrolling (an empty log was displayed before manual scrolling if there are fewer lines than the current position).
  • Fixed all linters basic errors from golangci-lint by default list.
  • Removed unused code from the previous release (list of processes and loading logs for them).

Build and installation:

  • Added check for linters during build in the script and implemented build via GitHub Actions.
  • Debugged installation on MacOS (quarantine exclusion).

New Contributors

  • @malteo made their first contribution in docs: add AUR instructions by @malteo in #4

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