github LibrePhotos/librephotos-docker 2023w12
LibrePhotos Development: 2023 - March

latest releases: 2024w23, 2024w18, 2024w14p1...
15 months ago

LibrePhotos Development: 2023 - March


  • 🚀 LibrePhotos: We now have a new docs page!
  • 🚀 Mobile: Added downloading image to local storage
  • 🚀 Mobile: Implemented backing up photos
  • 🚀 Mobile: Implemented to remove backed up images
  • 🚀 Mobile: Show local images
  • ✨ LibrePhotos: Improve test coverage (Implemented by sickelap)
  • ✨ Mobile: List rendering now faster
  • ✨ Docs: Added docs for uploading images
  • ✨ Docs: Added docs for job system
  • ✨ Docs: Added docs for settings
  • ✨ Docs: Updated features for Google Photos and Immich (Implemeted by WhiteHatRootkitJedi and justadri)
  • 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed ARM64/PyTorch Fatal Python error: Illegal instruction
  • 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed import of RAW (.NEF) files
  • 🔨 LibrePhotos: Fixed a bug, where removing missing images would get stucl
  • 🔨 Mobile: Login does now work correctly with case-sensitive usernames

New Issues:

  • 🐛 Can share picture but not albums (Link)
  • 💡 Support for google motion photos (Link)
  • 🐛 Hidden file can be event album cover (Link)
  • 💡 Add JXL file support (Link)
  • 💡 ability to deselect subfolders for inclusion (Link)
  • 🐛 No local photos (Link)
  • 🐛 Scan job exits with exception Internal Server Error: /api/jobs/(Link)
  • 💡 Implement backing up only certain locations (Link)
  • 💡 Implement uploading images from the background (Link)
  • 💡 Notify the user to activate MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (Link)
  • 💡 Replace pylint, black and isort with ruff (Link)
  • 🐛 Delete Missing Photos Stuck (Link)
  • 🐛 Long name in face selection don't work well (Link)
  • 🐛 The faces tab scrolling is very slow with huge amount of face to sort (Link)
  • 🐛 In face tab when typing the name it says person already exist and can't see to this (Link)
  • 💡 In faces tab, have the possibility to sort by more photos that match faces (Link)
  • 💡 Implement viewing videos (Link)
  • 💡 Migrate to TypeScript ([Link] (LibrePhotos/librephotos#762))
  • 💡 Implement directory permission checker (Link)
  • 💡 Single sourcing of state management and translations between frontend and mobile (Link)

If you are interested on how I develop this application, you can watch me develop features live on my channel

Sponsoring development:

My work is sponsored by 7 awesome people!

If you like the work I do, then you can support me via GitHub sponsors or via PayPal

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