github Lessica/TrollRecorder v1.4.5-36

latest releases: v2.14-542, v2.12-521, v2.12-519...
9 months ago


  1. 修复联系人号码匹配问题

  2. 缓解在频谱分析过程中播放音频的崩溃问题

  3. 修复在侧滑返回过程中切换标签页 App 假死的问题

  4. 修复搜索录音时列表被键盘遮挡的问题

  5. 优化转录功能付费引导的部分交互细节


  1. App 内字体现已跟随系统字体大小设定
  2. 应用程序现已支持自定义是否显示波形预览及录音时长

发布版本采用 LZMA Zip 压缩格式以减小安装包体积。
此版本为小修补更新,仅涉及 App 修改及界面优化,核心功能及悬浮窗完全未改。建议视自身情况选择更新。

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix contact number matching issue.
    Meanwhile, add the ability to match contacts with international number prefix.

  2. Fix the crash of playing audio during spectrum analysis.

  3. Fix the app freezing when switching tabs during slide-back gesture.

  4. Fix the issue that the list is blocked by the keyboard when searching for recordings.

  5. Optimize the interaction of the payment guide of transcription feature.


  1. In-app fonts now follow the system font size settings.
  2. The app now supports customizing whether to show waveform preview and recording duration.

The release uses LZMA Zip compression format to reduce the size of the installation package.

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