- 优化了 HUD 占用资源
- 优化了音频压缩遇到问题时逃生通道的处理逻辑
- 优化了锁屏界面 HUD 显示和逻辑
- 优化完善了通话状态的检测逻辑(遇到没有正确录音请尝试重启设备并刷新注册缓存)
- 优化了设备状态监测逻辑
- 新增转录测试版(付费功能)
Recent Updates
- Optimized HUD resource usage
- Improved the handling logic for escape paths when encountering issues with audio compression
- Optimized the display and logic of the HUD on the lock screen interface
- Enhanced the detection logic for call status (If recording is not functioning correctly, try restarting the device and refreshing the registration cache)
- Improved the device status monitoring logic
- Added a beta version of transcription (paid feature)
The transcription feature currently utilizes the system-provided framework, which has many limitations and is only available for testing purposes. In the future, we will integrate better models to offer more comprehensive functionality.