github LesFerch/WinSetView 2.62
WinSetView 2.62

latest releases: 2.96, 2.95, 2.94...
16 months ago


Bug Fix: The new modal Restore/Load/Save dialogs now work when there is a space in WinSetView's path.

Change: Cannot find a way to reliably set Network view. Option has been removed.


Feature added: Option to enable the classic context menu in Windows 11

Feature added: Option to have no Internet results in Windows search

Feature added: Option to disable search highlights

Enhancement: A WinSetView.exe launcher is now included to simplify execution on computers where MSHTA.exe is not correctly associated to HTA files.

Enhancement: Now runs without error on machines where System32 is missing from the Path environment variable.

Bug Fix: Dialogs now reduce in width appropriately if the WinSetView window is set very narrow.

Bug Fix: Fixed minor issues with display scaling and positioning.

Bug Fix: Thumbnail cache is now consistently reset when using "Disable folder thumbnails"

Bug Fix: Starting location for Restore/Load/Save correct now when running from a read-only directory.

Bug Fix: Corrected error that could occur when Restore/Load/Save are repeatedly clicked. Fixed by making those dialogs modal.

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