Changes in this Release
History from v3.4.6
to @
- 60f7144 [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.7
- cbd3b82 task: version bump
- 1e3d368 task: update code style
- a96da72 fix: allow adding tasks on empty task list
- 58bcdf0 fix: set various default milestone card properties
- 2e1eaa3 fix: Allow adding tasks when no tasks assigned
- 3f4f03a fix: Ensure due date label for groups come in as string
- 774be6a fix: headmenu notification should not trigger other htmx-indicators
- 5b8117b Fixed helm chart services and deployment
- f123eaf [Changelog CI] Add Changelog for Version 3.4.6
- Marcel Folaron (7 commits)
- Stéphan Champagne (1 commits)
Files | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++
app/Core/Configuration/AppSettings.php | 2 +-
app/Domain/Menu/Templates/headMenu.blade.php | 4 +-
app/Domain/Tickets/Services/Tickets.php | 6 +-
.../Templates/partials/milestoneCard.blade.php | 7 +++
app/Domain/Tickets/Templates/showAll.tpl.php | 4 +-
.../Widgets/Templates/partials/myToDos.blade.php | 49 ++++++++++++++-
helm/templates/deployment.yaml | 4 +-
helm/templates/pvc.yaml | 10 ++-
helm/templates/service.yaml | 2 +-
helm/values.yaml | 5 +-
package-lock.json | 4 +-
package.json | 2 +-
public/dist/mix-manifest.json | 32 +++++-----
14 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)