12.17.0 (2024-06-18)
- copilot-chat: ctrl-s now works in both normal and insert mode (0fcadce)
- php: allow using intelephense instead of phpactor in php extras (#3691) (ea3b5cc)
- treesitter-textobjects: added ]a and [a to move between parameters (18c7731)
Bug Fixes
- cmp: visible (57ef349)
- conform:
breaking changes (#3707) (a69e626) - edgy: only enable edgy neo-tree when needed. Fixes #3697. Closes #3703 (bdca1e9)
- git: removed debug info (d9caee6)
- lazygit: support monorepo structure and other git providers (#3701) (1f034e1)
- lsp: dont highlight document words when cmp is visible (0d57115)
- snippets: nvim-snippets
prev key (#3712) (492fa86)