github LN-Zap/zap-desktop v0.1.1-beta

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6 years ago

Zap v0.1.1-beta

This is the second public cross-platform Zap release. This release runs LND with neutrino, autopilot enabled and on Bitcoin's testnet.

You can read more about Zap here
You can find a Zap tutorial video series here
You can find a Zap FAQ page here

This release is pinned against the following commit of lnd: lightningnetwork/lnd@e30f869


  • Update BTCD full nodes that neutrino connects to
  • Added input menu (copy/paste on text inputs)

Verifying the Release

In order to verify the release, you'll need to have gpg or gpg2 installed on your system. Once you've obtained a copy (and hopefully verified that as well), you'll first need to import jimmymow's key if you haven't done so already:

curl | gpg --import

The keybase page of jimmymow includes several attestations across distinct platforms in order to provide a degree of confidence that this release was really signed by "jimmymow".

Once you have his PGP key you can verify the release (assuming manifest-v0.1.1-beta.txt and manifest-v0.1.1-beta.txt.sig are in the current directory) with:

gpg --verify manifest-v0.1.1-beta.txt.sig

That will verify the signature on the main manifest page which ensures integrity and authenticity of the zip you've downloaded locally. Next, depending on your operating system you should then re-calculate the sha256 sum of the zip, and compare that with the following hashes (which are included in the manifest file):


One can use the shasum -a 256 <file name here> tool in order to re-compute the sha256 hash of the target zip for your operating system. The produced hash should be compared with the hashes listed above and they should match exactly.

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