github Kron4ek/Wine-Builds 7.0-2-proton
Proton 7.0-2

latest releases: 10.0-rc2, 9.22, 9.21...
2 years ago

Proton 7.0-2 release.

Note that DXVK and vkd3d-proton are not included in my wine-proton builds. If you want to use them, you need to install them into your wineprefix, the installation process is the same as with regular Wine.

f4f1c2a0a76b81583075f0afd2593007e31077069cfe0207f218a431a7bdd9d6  wine-7.0-2-proton-amd64.tar.xz
43351336da7b1004860ba7ff922484f0c5df0b2af80c514a8a442b21d0065dd1  wine-7.0-2-proton-x86.tar.xz

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