- Default type for authentication changed from "none" to "denyall" to prevent unexpected access after initial installation (secure-by-default)
- Reverse proxy base prefix stripping was adjusted/fixed, in case of issues check new option and your reverse proxy configuration
- InfCloud WebUI can be now be served "bundled", see
- Add: option [auth] type oauth2 by code migration from
- Add: option [auth] type pam by code migration from v1, add new option pam_serivce
- Add: option [server] script_name for reverse proxy base_prefix handling
- Add: on-the-fly link activation and default content adjustment in case of bundled InfCloud (tested with 0.13.1)
- Add: warning in case of started standalone and not listen on loopback interface but trusting external authentication
- Adjust: [auth] imap: use AUTHENTICATE PLAIN instead of LOGIN towards remote IMAP server
- Adjust: Change default [auth] type from "none" to "denyall" for secure-by-default
- Improve: relax mtime check on storage filesystem, change test file location to "collection-root" directory
- Improve: WebUI
- Improve: log client IP on SSL error and SSL protocol+cipher if successful
- Improve: catch htpasswd hash verification errors
- Improve: add support for more bcrypt algos on autodetection, extend logging for autodetection fallback to PLAIN in case of hash length is not matching
- Fix: catch OS errors on PUT MKCOL MKCALENDAR MOVE PROPPATCH (insufficient storage, access denied, internal server error)
- Test: skip bcrypt related tests if module is missing
- Fix: proper base_prefix stripping if running behind reverse proxy
- Cosmetics: extend list of used modules with their version on startup
- Review: Apache reverse proxy config example