github Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines 1.4.3

latest releases: 1.9.0-RC, 1.8.1, 1.8.1-Beta...
3 years ago

General changes

  • Thread context is properly preserved and restored for coroutines without ThreadContextElement (#985)
  • ThreadContextElements are now restored in the opposite order from update (#2195)
  • Improved performance of combine with 4 parameters, thanks to @alexvanyo (#2419)
  • Debug agent sanitizer leaves at least one frame with source location (#1437)
  • Update Reactor version in kotlinx-coroutines-reactor to 3.4.1, thanks to @sokomishalov (#2432)
  • callsInPlace contract added to ReceiveChannel.consume (#941)
  • CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED promoted to stable API (#1393)
  • Kotlin updated to 1.4.30
  • kotlinx.coroutines are now released directly to MavenCentral
  • Reduced the size of DispatchedCoroutine by a field
  • Internal class TimeSource renamed to SchedulerTimeSource to prevent wildcard import issues (#2537)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the problem that prevented implementation via delegation for Job interface (#2423)
  • Fixed incorrect ProGuard rules that allowed shrinking volatile felds (#1564)
  • Fixed await/asDeferred for MinimalStage implementations in jdk8 module (#2456)
  • Fixed bug when onUndeliveredElement wasn't called for unlimited channels (#2435)
  • Fixed a bug when ListenableFuture.isCancelled returned from asListenableFuture could have thrown an exception, thanks to @vadimsemenov (#2421)
  • Coroutine in callbackFlow and produce is properly cancelled when the channel was closed separately (#2506)

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