github Kometa-Team/Kometa v1.16.2

latest releases: v2.0.2, v2.0.1, v2.0.0...
2 years ago

Breaking Change

genre_mapper now functions differently it should be an easy change but the old way will not work with 1.16.2 check the wiki for the update.

New Features

Adds a new cache for TMDb Movies and Shows to help with multiple loads
Added an update available message at the beginning and end of the meta.log
Adds mass_imdb_parental_labels library operation to add parental guidance tags as labels.
Closes #699 and Closes #771 added mass_content_rating_update library operation. Thanks, @YozoraXCII
Closes #739 adds anidb as an option to mass_genre_update, mass_audience_rating_update, and mass_critic_rating_update
Closes #750 adds mass_originally_available_update library operation.
Closes #768 added the anilist_userlist AniList Builder. Thanks, @Frazzer951
Closes #774 key and key_name are added as template variables in dynamic collections

Bug Fixes

Fixes #769 plex_pilots should work with playlists
Fixes #776 all key values are lists
Fixes #780 ARM Docker Image was failing due to tini
Fixes multiple other small bugs

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