github KnowledgeCanvas/knowledge v0.8.0-beta
Knowledge + Chat v0.8.0 Beta!

latest releases: v0.8.5, v0.8.4, v0.8.3...
pre-release14 months ago

Knowledge v0.8.0 BETA

Note: this is a Beta version and may have some stability issues, bugs, etc. Please leave any feedback, comments, or suggestions in the associated discussion thread.





How to add your OpenAI API Key

Check out this super quick video on YouTube to get started with the new Chat feature (OpenAI API Key required)

Chat Features

You can read the long list of changes and additions in the Changelog below, or you can just watch this 3 minute video instead!

What's new in v0.8.0?

This is our biggest release yet!


Chat is by-far the biggest addition to Knowledge. Take a look at some of the awesome features we've added!

Knowledge + Chat

  • Chat with any Source or Project
    • Source chat allows you to chat with a website, PDF file, or any other source
    • Project chat allows you to chat with a project, which includes all of the Sources in that project
  • Automatic Introductions
    • When you chat with a Source or Project for the first time, Knowledge will automatically introduce you to it
    • This introduction includes a brief description of the Source or Project, as well as a list of the most important
  • Automatic Question Suggestions
    • When you chat with a Source or Project, Knowledge will automatically suggest questions to ask
    • These questions are based on the concepts in the Source or Project
  • Chat Messages and Features
    • Highlight message text
    • Extract topics from a message
    • Save the message to the Notes section
    • Regenerate any message, no matter where you are in the Chat history
    • Continue a message that was previously interrupted
    • Edit or delete any message
    • Give a message a 👍 or 👎 rating to maximize your chat context window
    • TLDR a message to get a summary of it
    • ELI5 a message to get an explanation of it
  • Created a secure method for entering your OpenAI API key to use the new Chat features
  • Added a new Chat section in the Settings menu to configure your chat settings
  • Added an Express server to handle the OpenAI API calls and prevent the API key from being exposed in the front-end (
    API Key is encrypted on disk)

Source and Project Features

  • Changed Source description to notes to better reflect its purpose
  • And with that change comes the ability to use Markdown in Source notes (finally)!
  • Save webpage as PDF with a single button press
  • Lots of new sample Sources (Surprise Me) that highlight the power of Knowledge + Chat
  • Add Project breadcrumbs to the bottom of the Source and Project info views
  • Removed the Projects view in favor of using the details view by right-clicking in the Projects tree


  • Source info pages now use a tab system for a cleaner look and feel
  • The Project creation dialog has better proportions and a cleaner look
  • Improved and expanded upon the initial tutorial

Fixes and Improvements

  • Tons of refactoring, decoupling, and code cleanup. Moved several components into their own files, and made the code
    much more readable and maintainable
  • Fixed a bug where the size of the Source preview was not being calculated correctly when the normal window was zoomed
    in or out
  • Removed automatic scroll to Project in the Project tree when expanding/collapsing non-active Project
  • Added ESLint and Prettier for code linting and formatting (and fixed all the issues they found)

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